A page in progress; movies and musical compositions dates by their premier performances, written works by their publication dates


🎞 Stagecoach (2 February)

📚 Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep (6 February) 

📚 T. S. Eliot, The Family Reunion (21 March) 

🎞 Wuthering Heights (13 April) 

♫ Billie Holiday, “Strange Fruit” (recorded 20 April) 

📚 James Joyce, Finnegans Wake (4 May) 

♫ Ralph Vaughan Williams, “Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus” (10 June) 

🎞 Rules of the Game (7 July) 

🎞 The Wizard of Oz (25 August) 

📚 W. H. Auden, “September 1, 1939” (8 October) 

🎞 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (17 October)

🎞 Gone with the Wind (15 December) 

📚 Norbert Elias, Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation 

📚 Flann O’Brien, At Swim-Two-Birds  



🎞 First Tom & Jerry cartoon (10 February)

🎞 Pinocchio (23 February)

🎞 Rebecca (21 March)

📚 T. S. Eliot, “East Coker” (Easter)

🎞 First Bugs Bunny cartoon (27 July)

📚 W. H. Auden, Another Time

📚 Charles Norris Cochrane, Christianity and Classical Culture 

♫ Duke Ellington, “Do Nothing till You Hear from Me” and “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore”

🎞 The Great Dictator (15 October)

🎞 Fantasia (13 November)

🎞 The Philadelphia Story (26 December)

📚 Simone Weil, “L’Iliade ou le poème de la force”

📚 Mikhail Bakhtin, Rabelais in the History of Realism (completed but unpublished)

📚 C. S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain



♫ Bartók, String Quartet No. 6 (20 January) 

📚 T. S. Eliot, “The Dry Salvages” (February) 

🎞 The Lady Eve (25 February) 

🎞 Citizen Kane (1 May) 

♫ Billie Holiday, “God Bless the Child” (recorded 9 May) 

📚 C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters (serialized May-November)

📻 C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (first talks in August)

📚 W. H. Auden, The Double Man 

🎞 Suspicion (14 November)

📻 Dorothy Sayers, The Man Born to be King (broadcasts begun 21 December) 

🎞 Sullivan’s Travels (29 December) 

♫ Shostakovich, Symphony No. 7 (completed December, though not premiered until March 1942)