1. Chance that even one of the election lawsuits will be decided in Trump’s favor: 3%
  2. Chance that Trump will accept the validity of any legal ruling against him: 0% 
  3. Chance that when, after all legal avenues have been exhausted and Trump has declared himself the true but unacknowledged winner of the election — the wrongly deposed King, our very own Richard II, the Lord’s Anointed from whose sacred brow the balm of kingship can never be washed away — the leadership of the GOP will finally break with him: …

Well, that’s the question, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter much to me personally — in the sense that I haven’t voted for a Presidential candidate from either major party for thirty years, and I am completely done with the GOP — but it will be a clarifying moment for many of us when the GOP bosses decide whether they want to live in America or live in Trumpistan.