If you look to the top of this page, you’ll see something new: a Buy Me a Dragon link. Now, before we go any further, let me just say that I do not actually plan to buy a dragon, unless, of course, you are more likely to support my writing if you think I am going to buy a dragon, in which case, yes, I will definitely buy a dragon or two, or three … once I have enough coin. (Then perhaps I can poll my supporters on which city to destroy first.)
Anyway, let me explain: The self-suspension of my blog last month had two major results. First, it showed me how much blogging helps me to think – to order my ideas, to see them in relation to my earlier writings and the writings of others. Second, I got so many lovely responses from people who like the blog that I was encouraged to think that my work here has some value to people other than me.
But, you know, I don’t get paid for this. And that does affect my decisions about what and where to write, largely because – I need to be vague about this – certain members of my family need my support. Writing essays for publication rather than blogging would at least give me the chance to earn some money, but at the cost of depriving me of this little Thought Lab. (This is something I will say more about in a later post.)
So I have decided to turn to you, my readers. The Buy Me a Coffee service allows you to contribute to this curious online project, and, ideally, make it permanently sustainable. I could of course start a Substack, but that’s not a good fit for the kind of writing I plan to do. (If you want to know more about why I say that, read this.) And Patreon doesn’t seem like the right fit either, for someone who’s not doing a job full-time – if I were a musician or a painter or even a freelance journalist, then maybe; but I’m none of those things.
Buy Me a Coffee allows you to support this blog whenever you feel like it, in smaller or larger amounts. It feels low-pressure, for you and for me. But of course, the more support I get through that conduit the easier it will be for me to focus on the kind of writing I do here, which I enjoy so much. I am especially eager to resume work on my Invitation and Repair project.
Please help me out if you can, and if you can’t or choose not to, thank you for reading. This will continue to be on the open web for all to see.
Oh, and I will keep writing books, and my Snakes & Ladders newsletter too.